
文章来源:金平县公安局发布日期:2017/10/24  浏览次数:

  Papers for Foreigners Investing or Working in China to Apply for Residence Permit

  申请居留许可时,须回答有关询问并提供下列材料:When applying for residence permit, applicants must answer related questions and submit following papers:

  一、单位公函。The official letter issued by recipient organization.

  二、填写完整、准确、真实的《外国人签证、居留许可申请表》(须用蓝色或黑色的钢笔或碳素笔填写)。Fill completely and correctly in Visa and Residence Permit Application Form with black or blue pen or ball-point pen.

  三、近期二寸正面半身免冠彩色照片1张(规格33mm×48mm,贴于申请表)。One latest colorful, two-inch, half-length, bareheaded, and full-face photo for the application form(33mm×48mm).

  四、 有效护照原件及护照照片页、有效中国签证、本次入境章复印件。The original and copy of valid passport, Chinese visa and entry seal.

  五、红河州检验检疫局出具的《国际旅行健康证明书》原件及复印件(已满18周岁且自入境之日起首次申请1年以上有效期居留许可的外国人才需提供)。The original and copy of Health Certificate for International Traveler issued by Honghe Administration for Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine. When applying for Residence Permit longer than one year the first time, aliens at the age of 18 and upwards must provide their health certificates.

  六、与居留事由相关的材料和证明:The relevant materials and certificates:

  1、投资者提供:企业批准证书及复印件、经过年检的营业执照副本及复印件、《组织机构代码证》及复印件、《外国人就业证》或《外国专家证》及复印件。Investors should submit the original and copy of Enterprise Approval Certificate, Duplicate of Business License being approved annually, Organization and Institution Code Certificate and Employment Permit of Aliens or Foreign Experts Certificate.


  Employees should submit Employment Permit of Aliens issued by the Labour and Social Security Department of Yunnan province or Foreign Experts Certificate issued by the Administration of Foreign Experts Affairs of Yunnan province or the Document Approving Aliens to Give Theatrical Performances in the People's Republic of China issued by the Ministry of Culture or by the Cultural Department of Yunnan Province. Working in permanent representative office of foreign enterprises, employees should also submit Registration Certificate of Foreign Enterprises Permanent Office in China and Working Card of Foreign Enterprises Permanent Office in China.


  The "three-capital" enterprises such as solely foreign invested enterprises, Chinese-foreign joint ventures and cooperative enterprises must provide the original and copy of Enterprise Approval Certificate and Duplicate of Business License being approved annually, as well as Organization and Institution Code Certificate. The domestic capital enterprises and other organizations must provide the original and copy of valid Duplicate of Business License, Organization and Institution Code Certificate, or other related registration certificates.

  3、随行父母、配偶及子女办理居留许可提供:投资者或就业者的居留许可及其复印件(被依附人和家属同时办理时,不用提供);配偶还需提供结婚证明,父母和子女还需提供亲属关系证明,非英语证明须经专业翻译机构或公司译成汉语。The accompanying family members (spouse, parents and children) should submit the residence permits and copies of investors or employees when they apply for Residence Permit separately. If they apply together, the materials mentioned above are not necessary. It's quite necessary for a certificate of kinship. The alien spouse must provide the identification of marriage, the alien parents and children must provide the identification of family relation. Non-English identifications must be translated into Chinese by professional translation agency.

  〔注意事项Notice〕:需复印的申请材料应用A4纸复印。The copy of documents should be copied with A4 paper.



