
文章来源:金平县公安局发布日期:2017/10/24  浏览次数:

  Notice for Foreign Students to Apply for Residence Permit

  外国留学生申请居留许可,须回答有关询问并提供下列材料: Foreign Students applying for residence permit must answer related questions and submit the following papers:

  1、就读院校注明学习期限的公函和《录取通知书» (在同一学校继续就读的不需提供录取通知书)。 An official letter of the recipient university/college that specifies the duration of studies and the Notification of Admission. If you continue to study at the same university/college/school,Notification of Admission is not requested.

  2、填写完整、准确、真实的《外国人签证、居留许可申请 表» (须用蓝色或黑色的钢笔或碳素笔填写)。 Fill completely and correctly in Visa and Residence Permit Application Form with black or blue pen or ball-point pen.

  3、二寸近期正面半身免冠照片1张。One recently taken two-inch half-length, bareheaded and full-faced photo for the application form.

  4、有效护照原件及护照照片页、有效中国签证、本次入境章复印件。The original and copy of valid passport, Chinese visa and entry seal.

  5、有效的JW201表或者JW202表。Valid Visa Application for Study in China (JW201 or JW202 form).

  6、《国际旅行健康证明书》原件及复印件(红河州出入境检验检疫局出具)。 The original and copy of Health Certificate for International Traveler issued by Honghe Administration for Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine.

  7、住宿申报证明原件及复印件。The original and copy of Registration Form of Temporary Residence from local police station.

  〔注意事项Notice]:需复印的申请材料请用A4纸复印。The copy of documents should be copied with A4 paper.



